The VanEpps lab is a proud member of:
Emergency Medicine Department:
"The mission of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan is to create the future of emergency care. Our vision is an emergency care system that engages our patients and the entire health care system to provide solutions to the growing need and complexity of emergency medical care. We pursue this mission through advanced clinical practice, cutting edge research, innovative education, and service to the health system, community, and our global partners."
For more information, visit here

Biointerface Institute:
"Research within the institute focuses on the juncture between physical and biological systems and comprises of five research clusters that break down disciplinary barriers to generate high-impact biomedical innovations."
For more information, visit here
The Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation:
"Across the University of Michigan, members of the Weil Institute (formerly MCIRCC) are transforming critical care through groundbreaking research. Our unique approach uses multidisciplinary team science, big data analytics, specialized funding sources, and tailored commercialization pathway plans to push research from the bench to real applications in patient care."
For more information, visit here
EMERGE Network:
"EMERGE is a network of experts in Emergency Departments who have come together to collaborate in research and share emergency medicine research related education. University of Michigan's emergency research team along with its international steering committee is striving to build EMERGE network."
For more information, visit here

Michigan Engineering:
Biomedical engineering: Uniting top programs in medicine and engineering
Macromolecular science and engineering: A leader in polymer science and engineering since 1968
For more information, visit here