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Graduate/Undergraduate Opportunities:

Looking to do your graduate research studies in our lab? Check the Rackham Graduate School for more information on how to apply for grad school. 


Still haven't obtained your bachelors? Check the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program!

Post-Doctoral Opportunities:

If you wish to apply for jobs as a post-doc position, please contact Dr. VanEpps directly with your most current CV and research objective. Please, identify your email with 'post-doctoral opportunity' 

General Job Opportunities:

If you wish to apply for job opportunities for our lab, go through UMJobs or contact Erika Martinez-Nieves for more information.

Got questions regarding our research, or other comments on your mind? Send us an email, or come visit us:

Dr. VanEpps office:

NCRC, B014-117

2800 Plymouth Rd.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109 


Contact: Brandye Hill to schedule an appointment with Dr. VanEpps.

Researchers/students office:
NCRC, B026-329N

2800 Plymouth Rd.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109 



©2023 by VanEpps Research Laboratory, University of Michigan

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